
Advice For Those Having A Dental Crown Put In For The First Time

If you have weak or damaged teeth, one dental procedure you can have performed to restore this issue is getting a dental crown. It can make a tooth look whole and protect it from infection. If you're having a dental crown put in for the first time, here are some tips that can help.  Have the Dentist Assess the Tooth Damage Before you get a dental crown put in by a dentist, you want them to thoroughly examine the damaged tooth.

Getting Teeth Cleaned By A Dentist

Brushing teeth at home is a good habit to get into, but it does not take the place of needing occasional dental checkups. For instance, brushing your teeth is important because it prevents plaque from accumulating in large amounts, but brushing alone is not thorough enough. Although a toothbrush can keep plaque under control, occasional deeper cleaning is necessary for the removal of plaque that your toothbrush may have missed. There are also other benefits included with getting your teeth cleaned by a dentist, including staying aware of any oral health concerns.

Everything You Need To Know About Cosmetic Dentistry And Teeth Whitening

Cosmetic dentistry offers many options to help you achieve a great smile. Here's what you need to know about teeth whitening. What is teeth whitening? Teeth whitening is the process of lightening and brightening your teeth. This procedure is one of many cosmetic dental services your dentist may offer. What are the benefits of teeth whitening? Teeth whitening can boost your self-confidence and make you feel better about your smile. It's also a relatively simple and inexpensive way to improve your appearance.

Minimizing The Amount Of Acid In Your Mouth

Dental decay occurs when the tooth material dissolves. The dissolution process takes place when the tooth enamel is exposed to acids. Teeth are made up of minerals that dissolve in an acidic solution. Even teeth that are left in acidic beverages, such as orange juice or soda, suffer dissolution. Nonetheless, most instances of dissolution or decay occur because of bacterial acids. The bacteria in the mouth consume simple carbohydrates that remain in the oral cavity after you eat or drink.

Do You Need Corrective Jaw Surgery? Common Signs

The alignment and condition of your jaw can play a significant role in your ability to eat, speak, smile, and otherwise communicate with others. While most misalignment and other jaw issues are minor, there are some that require medical intervention because of the severity of the symptoms. That medical intervention sometimes requires corrective jaw surgery, also called orthognathic surgery. Here are a few of the most common occasions when you might need corrective jaw surgery.