Do You Need Corrective Jaw Surgery? Common Signs

The alignment and condition of your jaw can play a significant role in your ability to eat, speak, smile, and otherwise communicate with others. While most misalignment and other jaw issues are minor, there are some that require medical intervention because of the severity of the symptoms. That medical intervention sometimes requires corrective jaw surgery, also called orthognathic surgery. Here are a few of the most common occasions when you might need corrective jaw surgery.

You Have TMJ Issues

TMJ disorder is a medical condition that is caused by problems with the joint that connects your teeth and jaw bone together. When it isn't functioning the way that it should be and you're diagnosed with TMJ problems, you may find that you have stiffness, pain, tightness, and limited movement in that joint. This can affect your ability to open and move your jaw. Eventually, that pain and discomfort can lead to a need for significant medical intervention in the form of corrective surgery. 

You Struggle With Biting And Chewing

Misalignment of your teeth can often lead to challenges with biting and chewing things. Unfortunately, this can affect your overall health if you're unable to properly eat a balanced diet, which can have cascading effects on your general well-being. If your jaw doesn't line up the way that it should and the misalignment affects your ability to bite and chew your foods, that's a key indication that you should talk with an oral surgeon about corrective jaw surgery.

The surgery can shift your jaw to the proper alignment so that your teeth function together in the way that they were intended. That will allow you to eat more normally, which may make it far easier to eat the foods that you love and your body needs.

You Are Damaging Your Teeth

Sometimes, problems with your jaw can actually cause you to inadvertently damage your teeth. Whether you're overcompensating for a problem with jaw alignment or you're just trying to account for an over or underbite, these things can all cause abnormal wear and tear on your teeth. You may even find that you're biting or otherwise irritating spots inside your mouth.

Corrective jaw surgery will adjust the position of your jaw so that you don't have to compensate for anything. This will ease any unnecessary pressure on your teeth that could be causing premature wear and stress.

Talk with your dentist today if you believe that you might need corrective jaw surgery. He or she can do a thorough examination and help you determine if it's necessary.
